Idaho can be so magical in the winters! Well, it’s magical all the time but winters and hot springs just go together I think. Our area, North Central Idaho, has some pretty secluded and beautiful springs to enjoy, we also have
some more commercial springs around us as well, either way, you should get out and soak in a few!
A pretty well known hot spring that is close to the Kamiah and Kooskia area is Jerry Johnson Hot Springs. It is about a 2 mile fairly easy, heavily trafficked hike in. The trail is primarily used for hiking and walking and is best used from May until October,but many local people I know have gone during the winter months with snow on the trail and enjoyed the natural hot pools. It is a somewhat controversial spring that brings many to soak in the buff! But isn’t that why people go to natural hot springs? You have been forewarned!
Hahaha! Here is a little information on Jerry Johnson Hot Spring with pictures included.
Weir Creek Hot Springs is another well known spring that sits just a few miles past the famous Jerry Johnson Hot Springs. It is a 0.7 mile lightly trafficked out and back trail located near Kooskia Idaho that features hot springs that are rated as moderate. The trail is primarily used for hiking, walking, and bird watching. Just remember it is heavily trafficked and is also a clothing optional hot spring! If going in the winter be prepared to hike in some heavy snow. The hot springs are primitive rock walled and gravel bottomed pools. The hot springs are among a gorgeous landscape of cedars and rock cliffs with spectacular views.
There is also a very well known commercial hot spring in the town of New Meadows, Zims Hot Spring has been around commercially since 1976, the Nez Perce tribe just recently purchased it. Years ago it was used for their ceremonial
and spiritual purposes. These natural springs were also used to fashion bows from the horns of bighorn sheep. It is open year-round and closed on Monday and Tuesdays. Here is some good info on Zims.
Red River Hot Springs is yet another commercial hot spring close in proximity to Kooskia and Grangeville Idaho. It is located Close to Elk City Idaho. Red River Hot Springs is a rustic resort located in the backwoods along the Red River in the Nez Perce Clearwater National Forest. The hot springs were once used over 100 years ago by the Nez Perce Indians. This hot springs hideaway boasts an outdoor geothermal swimming pool and an outdoor hot springs tub. Accommodations are available. I have personally stayed here and it is so peaceful! It’s fun to chat with the many people that have stopped in from all over! Many are traveling on the famous Magruder Corridor that goes from Elk City to Hamilton Montana, Highly recommended if you are a Jeep enthusiast! (I’ll blog about that another time! :)) I think Red River Hot Springs is definitely a destination to check out! Also if you like to hike there are hiking trails all
around, as well as campgrounds if you would rather bring your camper or RV. I’ve included a few websites on Red River
for you to check out.